lunes, 18 de enero de 2016

Skimming and Scanning.

Click here to view a presentation about Skimming and Scanning.

Skimming and Scanning.

Skimming and Scanning.

Select one of the next links and realize one of the excercises.

Skimming and Scanning.

Click in one of the next links to analize a tip.

Skimming and Scanning.


-> Method of rapidly moving the eyes over text with the purpose of getting only the main ideas and a general overview of the content. Is useful in three different situations:

a) Pre-Reading
b) Reviewing
c) Reading


-> Rapidly covers a great deal of material in order to locate a specific fact or piece of information.
Scanning is very useful for finding a specific name, date, statistic or fact without reading the entire article


miércoles, 13 de enero de 2016

Main Idea.

Whats the big idea?

Main idea: The purpose of the paragraph or text

 -> Some information is not as important.

 -> Good reader = Key ideas
 -> All information should connect to the main idea.

Identify main idea:

 -> Read the whole text

 -> Ask: What is the autor doing here?
 -> Read first and last sentence.


 -> "Another good title for this passage would be..." is another way to ask for the main idea.

Main Idea.

* Read the next article and answer:

martes, 12 de enero de 2016

Main Idea.

Read the next article and answer.

Main Idea.

Read the next article:

Answer the following excercise.

Main Idea Graphic Organizer.

Main Idea.

Main Idea.

* May be Implied.

* Who or What is the paragraph about.

* The main idea may be split.

* The first sentence of a paragraph.

* Central or most important idea.

* Point of view.

* Sets the direction of the paragraph.

* May be found in any sentence.

Cognates and False Cognates.

Cognates, Prefixes and Suffixes.

a) Check the following sites.



b) Look up in a dictionary 10 cognates and 10 false cognates in English. Write the name of the dictionary or the website where you found the information.

c) Check the following site and do three of the activities given and report your results and write a reflection about this activity.

Critical Thinking.

Watch the videos and answer:





a) What is the definition of crititcal thinking?

b) What is its purpose?

c) What are the skills developed by the critical thinking?

d) What is its meaning?

e) How can you use the critical thinking in your daily life?

f) What are some examples of critical thinking?

Prefixes and Suffixes.






An affix is added to the root of a word to change its meaning.

An affix added to the front of a word is known as a prefix. One added to the back is known as a suffix. Sometimes, prefixes are hyphenated.

Examples of Affixes
Here are some examples of affixes:
  • incapable
(The affix is the prefix in.)
  • ex-President
(The affix is the prefix ex-.)
  • laughing
(The affix is the suffix ing.)

Most Common Prefixes. The four most common prefixes aredis-in-re-, and un-. These account for over 95% of prefixed words.

Most Common Suffixes. The four most common suffixes are-ed-ing-ly, and -es. These account for over 95% of suffixed words.