Summers, S. (2015). "Teachers Pay Teachers". 30/12/2015, de Pinterest Sitio web:
In definition of a word we can find the following:
* Vocabulary word.
* Synonyms: words with the same meaning, is similar.
* Antonyms: words with the opposite meaning.
* Definition: description that offers us the dictionary or source.
* Parts of Speech: group to which belongs the word.
* SY: bored, dulled, fagged.
* AN: fresh, unused.
* DEF: no longer enthusiastic or excited about things.
* PoS: adjective.
To know a dictionary it is necessary to know their parts:
1) Name
2) Kind Of Dictionary
3) Pages
4) Sections
5) Anexes
6) Maps (Yes/No)
7) Graphics (Yes/No)
8) Year
9) Level
Macmillian English Dictionary for Advanced Learners of American English.
Learners Dictionary
1658 Pages
3 Sections
3 Anexes
No Maps
Yes Graphics
2002 (Year)
Advanced Level.
Using Dictionaries and Kinds Of Dictionaries.
This presentation to explain different types of dictionaries, as well as the how to use a dictionary and select the best dictionary for learners.
Click in the text "Using Dictionaries (...)" to open the presentation.
* Bilingual Dictionary
* Learner's Dictionary
* Usage Dictionaries
* Standard Dictionaries
* Content Area Dictionaries
* Picture Dictionaries
* Content Area Picture Dictionaries
* Pictionary
Importance of Cognates.
S.A.. (2010). "Teaching Cognates". 22/12/2015, de Teacherlingo Sitio web:
ISL.. (2011). "Cognates Skills". 22/12/2015, de ISL Collective. Sitio web:
1) Words spelled exactly the same.
Brocoli, Similar, General, Internet, Doctor.
2) Words spelled simillary.
Paper, Dentist, Telephone, Elephant.
3) Words that are less similar but aith same root.
Monster, Dozen, Sausage.
4) Words spelled differently but with same sound.
Adoption (Adopción)
Attention (Atención).
- Reading for pleasure.
Is when you read something that you like and you enjoy.
Interested in Reading
- Detailed Reading.
Is when you read for an investigation.
Text Marking
- Global Reading.
Is when you read for culture or education (General Culture).
Understand by context
- Selective Reading.
Is when people only read what they want to read.
Certain Topics.
Unit 1.
¿Para qué leo?
-Tipos de Lectura.
Unit 2.
¿Cómo obtengo el significado de palabras que no conozco?
-Significado de palabras por Contexto.
Unit 3.
¿Cómo puedo aumentar mi vocabulario?
-Afijos: Sufijos y Prefijos.
Unit 4.
¿Cómo obtengo la idea general de un texto?
-Ideas Principales.
Unit 5.
¿Cómo obtengo información específica de un texto?
-Lectura rápida y Lectura detallada.
UNAM - ENP. (S/A). Plan de Estudios - Inglés VI. 16/11/2015, de DGENP Sitio web:
This Blog is to provide a vision of what is taught in English VI matter in the ENP6, as well as to provide various support and explanations to visitors.
English VI.
Domínguez Aby.
Hernández Daniela.
Osornio Alexis.
Escuela Nacional Preparatoria Plantel 6 "Antonio Caso".
Teacher Dulce Olivo.